Orange Essential Oil


Orange is more then Vitamin C

Benefits of Orange on your Mood
The very action of peeling an orange is so uplifting, thanks to the release of the orange oil in the peel. Not surprisingly, the essential oil of orange is often used in aromatherapy to bring one out of a depressed or pensive mood. A mere whiff of the oil can make you feel alert and relaxed at the same time it induces a sense of happiness and well-being. 

Orange oil acts as a mild sedative, taking away the edge of mental and physical fatigue, anger, and other strong feelings.

For improving mood
When you feel anxious or depressed, the anti-depressive and anxiolytic properties of orange essential oil can act as an instant pick-me-up. Use 5-6 drops in a diffuser on very low heat. Allow the oil to dissipate into the air, and experience your mood lifting up and the worries falling away.

To relieve fatigue
Physical and mental fatigue can be relieved with orange essential oil. Mix it with the essential oil of lavender to enhance the effect. Mix 5 drops each of sweet orange oil and lavender oil and use the mixture in a diffuser. Apply a drop of the mixture to your pulse points for faster absorption into the body.






Benefits of Orange on the Skin
The antiseptic property of all citrus oils, including orange essential oil is well known. Any cut on the skin can invite opportunistic germs into the body, making the wound susceptible to infections. That’s why we clean the exposed area immediately and apply antiseptics that reduce the risk of infection. Antiseptic agents disinfect the area by making it unsuitable to microbial growth. Orange oil is an excellent antiseptic for disinfecting cuts and scrapes, insect bites, open boils and other skin eruptions. Besides, it is safe for use in children.

To control acne
Orange oil has a drying and grease-cutting effect on the skin that can help reduce acne in people with oily skin. Add 2-3 drops of orange oil to a cup of water and wash the face with it before going to bed. 

Orange oil acts as a deep cleanser when used with a light carrier oil like olive oil or sweet almond oil. Mix 3 -4 drops of orange oil to a tablespoon of carrier oil and apply on the face with a cotton ball. Allow to remain for 5 minutes and wipe off. This is an excellent way to remove makeup in the evening.

For a spot treatment for acne, dip a cotton swab in sweet orange oil and touch the acne. The antiseptic effect of orange oil helps reduce bacteria that worsen acne.











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